Coordinating your JIT, Kan Ban and Line Feed production lines
Once the materials have been delivered to our local warehouse, a dedicated customer service manager will then oversee seamless replenishment of your production lines, to either a Just in Time, Kan Ban or Direct Feed basis.
All inbound materials are checked and then inspected by our warehousing team, prior to being stored in pre-specified batch quantities in preparation for delivery to your manufacturing facility.
In addition to the specific quantities required to meet your pre-determined forecasts, we also hold an additional amount of buffer stock that can be used to safeguard against any supply chain shocks or unforeseen increases in production.
Payment for inventory is on a “pay as you consume” basis, completely eliminating any extra storage and labour costs that you would otherwise incur. This, combined with our fixed annual pricing, means that you can plan your cash flow more effectively and ensure that your staff can prioritise tasks that are central to your business’ profitability.