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    Thank you for visiting our website. We are currently in the process of improving our online services, a process that will see the creation of a dedicated section dedicated to the range Marathon Special Product Power Blocks and Terminals that we are able to supply, case studies and additional pages chronicling the history of Global Supply Services.

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    Why not find out more about the other services that GSS provide?

    With over fifteen years’ experience, we have helped numerous OEMs from across Europe unlock additional savings from their existing supply chain. Through our connections with the Cyclops Group, we can reduce procurement costs, whilst our own operations enable us to streamline the logistics and supply aspects of your operation.


    Our logistics specialists manage the movement, warehousing and delivery of materials, ensuring that you receive your parts as and when you need them.


    Thanks to our worldwide procurement network, we can source, manage and deliver the best supply chain solution for your business.


    Our world-class systems, technology and expertise means that we are able to surpass the supply demands of today’s modern manufacturers.